Sunday, May 22, 2011

Quarterly HOA Meeting Wednesday 6/1/11 6:30pm

Please take note that the next quarterly meeting of the Boca Golf & Tennis Townhomes HOA ("The Greens") will be held on Wednesday 6/1/11 at 6:30pm at The Greens Community Pool (rain location Boca Country Club Main Clubhouse by Front Gate).

Friday, May 13, 2011

Important Community Update

May 2011

Dear Unit Owner:

We would like to take a moment to update you on some items concerning our community.

2011 Annual Meeting

In March, The Greens held its annual meeting of the membership for the purpose of electing a Board for the next year. A small number of residents were in attendance and others “attended” via proxy. The meeting was conducted by our Property Manager, Andrew Ginsburg, owner of DEMA. At the meeting, nominations were taken from the floor and the prior Board of Directors was reelected to their current positions. The names and offices held for 2011 are: Bradley Schnur, President; Tim Fox, Vice President, Joe Piechocki, Treasurer; Kathy Coughlin, Secretary; Joan Faunce, Board Member. These officers will remain in place until the next annual meeting in 2012.

Following the election portion of the meeting the Board opened the floor for unit owner questions which continued for approximately 40 minutes.

The minutes from the annual meeting will be reviewed and approved at the next quarterly meeting of the Board tentatively scheduled for June 1, 2011 and will be placed on the Greens blog ( for all to see.

Preview and Announcement of Upcoming Exterior Renovations to the Greens Complex

The Board has been working through our property manager to assess the current condition of the exterior of all buildings including roofs, vents, standardization of exterior lighting, standardization of exterior unit appearance, condition of stucco, driveways and walkways, plus storm drains in the roadway and the roads themselves.

The Board has reviewed various proposals, conducted walk-arounds with our property manager and contractors and considered the development of a plan to systematically address each of the items mentioned above over the next three to four months.

In late April 2011 repair work commenced on the Greens roadways.

Beginning on or about May 18, 2011 work will begin to power wash roofs and buildings as a prelude to painting all units.

The color of the units will be maintained and no changes to the existing color palette is envisioned.

Before the end of May 2011, the painting work will commence by building, with each building’s repainting taking about one week. A formal initial schedule will be developed and disseminated to all unit owners in the next week or so by email, blog and USPS letter delivered to the official billing address on record. It should be noted that weather and general conditions can modify the schedule from time to time as with any construction/renovation project(s).

Specific components to the project, in the order of events, are detailed below:

Roadways (Storm Drains): Major repairs to the collars surround the street storms drains have commenced wherein removal of the existing material surrounding each drain was replaced with new material. Additionally, where necessary repairs were made to the asphalt on the general roadway within The Greens.

Roofs: The roofs will be power washed to remove accumulated grime, mold and dirt and should take on a new appearance after this process.

Gutter Cleaning: The gutters will be cleaned in conjunction with the remediation project.

Stucco: All stucco will be power washed prior to repainting to ensure adhesion of the new paint. Repairs to damaged stucco, corner braces and other elements will take place prior to repainting and will vary from unit to unit as required. The Board and contractor have walked the complex to identify the extent of the repairs required. During the painting process all exterior hose reels will be removed from the front of the units in order to move the community back towards a more uniform look.

Painting: Painting of each building will take about one week including lanais. All non-glassed enclosed lanai will be painted the standard and approved exterior building color. Residents will be notified of the date(s) scheduled for their particular building ahead of time so that access to these areas can be coordinated to allow for power washing and repainting so that you remove all personal belongings from the work area(s).

Driveways and Walkways: Will be repainted to original and approved colors after the building painting project is complete.

Streets and Storm Drains: The streets and drain areas will be seal coated at the completion of all projects to provide a uniform and contemporary appearance.

Exterior lighting: In connection with the above work, standardized Exterior light fixtures will be required for all units whereas there are now some twenty plus variations that have been put in place over the years.

As a part of the above processes, the Board is also reviewing the Greens existing rules and regulations booklet to update it and ensure that these major improvements are supported and adhered to allow the best possible long term appearance of our community and preserve the value of each unit. These revised rules which will be published shortly, will also address contractor work within the community whereas recently we have encountered work that has left adjoining units with driveway damage and construction debris and other materials being washed down streets leaving residue that cannot be washed away.

Finally, this communication is merely an initial summary and overview of what is contemplated and more detail will be posted in the glass announcement boxes, published on our blog (, mailed and emailed as we approach each event. It is imperative that we have your current e-mail address and telephone number on file. Please take a moment to update your contact information by sending an e-mail to or by fax to 1-636-707-3908. General questions can certainly be forwarded to Andrew Ginsburg, Property Manager at DEMA via email ( with a copy to ( or by calling 305-766-8415.

The Board does not anticipate a special assessment will needed for this required work at this time whereas the Board has managed the budget over the last few years to accumulate a reserve fund to pay for the projects listed above. Notwithstanding, the Board reserves the right to issue a special assessment should unforeseen conditions be found during the projects which exceed the funds budgeted. At that time, the Board may elect to assess the community or particular building(s), as needed.

We ask that everyone be patient during this process, again envisioned to be about 12 to 16 weeks in length. It is a process we need to go through every six years or so and is a fact of life in any community in South Florida.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.


The Greens HOA Board & DEMA Management